Written In Cantor Dust

The writings and other creations of Rudy Cantor

About The Entity

Rudy Cantor, or Orion Ellis, or any number of other transitory human-passing designations, is a shard of supernova Sn1998e that got stuffed into some vague approximation of a Homo sapiens form for mostly unknown reasons, though xe suspects it probably has something to do with adding to the parameter space covered by the grand computation of the universe and/or gathering data on humanity as something like the reverse of a space probe. As such, it generally finds itself floating in a distant, highly eccentric orbit around concepts like gender and discrete human identity, but is chiefly referred to by xe/xym, they/them, or it/its. They have many thoughts about many things, including but not limited to: space, math, spirituality, queerness, computers, alterhumanity, fiber crafts, voidpunk, anarcho-communism, neurodivergence, music, and audio dramas (in no particular order).

Should you feel inclined to support xym monetarily (and perhaps receive something in return), this can be accomplished through xyr Ko-fi page, or by perusing their material wares.

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